Ryegrass Is Now Resistant To Paraquat

Farmers face the costs of resorting to mechanical measures to control weeds as they become paraquat resistant

paraquat Parkinsons Lawsuit News

Thursday, August 19, 2021 - If weeds are left unchecked farmers that grow soybeans, oats, wheat, and other row crops would have to spend millions of dollars to replace the water and nutrients in the soil the unwanted plants use. Farmers that once used glyphosate to kill weeds have turned to paraquat when their weeds have grown genetically resistant. Farmers switched to the highly toxic paraquat weedkiller reluctantly knowing that inhaling paraquat causes Paraquat Parkinson's disease and that they are at risk. So are the people that live, work, and play around farms that use paraquat. A farmer's worst nightmare has now come true because the most prevalent weeds have become resistant to both glyphosate and paraquat. ABC News Australia reports: "Comparing susceptible rye-grass to the sample from south-west Victoria showed a high level of resistance to widely used herbicides glyphosate and paraquat. One of the country's worst weeds has been found to have resistance to two common and extremely important farm chemicals." Experts warn that not only has Ryegrass become paraquat resistant, but it has also done so at levels far above the ones that the government allows. The experts also warn that currently there is no chemical solution to the Ryegrass resistance problem and that farmers will most likely have to resort to more expensive mechanical solutions to control weeds before harvesting their crops. Science Daily described the magnitude of the paraquat resistance problem recently by saying, "For the first time, researchers have found that annual ryegrass has developed resistance to paraquat, the second most important "knockdown" herbicide used by cropping farmers. ... "Paraquat is the only viable herbicide alternative to the most commonly used herbicide, glyphosate."

Using paraquat when glyphosate fails to control weed is like swapping out one problem for a much larger one. Paraquat is a temporary solution to the inevitability that weedkillers will have to become more and more toxic to human beings to remain effective. Paraquat toxicity is already at unacceptable levels as the chemical has caused thousands of accidental poisonings and has facilitated just as many suicides. Only one sip of paraquat can kill. Hundreds of people have registered with top Paraquat Parkinson's Disease lawyers and have filed lawsuits against the agrochemical maker Syngenta. Inhaling paraquat, a much more toxic weedkiller than glyphosate, while spraying in between the rows of crops or inhaling the residual fumes that drift onto nearby communities in repetitive low-doses, has been shown to cause the deadly neurological disorder. Farmers and neighbors suing Syngenta display all of the symptoms of full-blown Parkinsons's disease such as tremors and shaking in the fingers and hands, slowed movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance, loss of automatic movement, slurred or stuttering speech, and handwriting difficulty, according to MayoClinic.org. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) endorses paraquat and sings its praises, while more than 50 other countries from the third world to developed nations of China, and those in the European Union have all banned using the chemical.


Lawyers for Paraquat Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Paraquat Lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.