Gramoxone Paraquat Parkinson's Lawsuit News
Information and News About Paraquat Parkinson's Lawsuits

The New EPA Warnings On Who Can Use Paraquat Should Make Farmers Sit Up And Take Notice | 7/18/2022
The new paraquat warning label restricts the use of paraquat to only by a licensed applicator and use by an unlicensed worker is not allowed, even if supervised...READ MORE
Syngenta Has Many Options To Insulate Themselves From Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuits | 7/11/2022
More than 1300 people with Parkinson's disease have filed lawsuits accusing paraquat of causing their disease...READ MORE
One Important Study Provides Evidence That Inhaling Paraquat Could Cause Parkinson's Disease | 7/3/2022
The effects on brain cells of inhaling low dosages of a pesticide is an often-overlooked parameter when performing scientific testing...READ MORE
Farmers Are More Likely To Develop Parkinson's Disease Than People In Other Occupations | 6/24/2022
Paraquat is the most deadly of all of the agricultural chemicals that the EPA allows to be used on US farms...READ MORE
Licensed Paraquat Applicators Are Developing Parkinson’s Disease and Filing Lawsuits | 6/22/2022
Thousands of trials will rest on the scientific connection between inhaling paraquat and developing neurological damage...READ MORE
The CDC Tells Readers Paraquat Can Enter The Body In Several Ways And Kill You | 6/1/2022
Paraquat can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or drank intentionally or accidentally making it the world's most deadly agricultural herbicide...READ MORE
The EPA's PPE Requirements May Not Go Far Enough To Protect Farmers | 5/23/2022
Farmers licensed to use paraquat have filed lawsuits alleging the defoliant caused Parkinson's disease ...READ MORE
Paraquat Bellwether Trials Focus On Farmers Who Used The Weedkiller And Developed Parkinson's Disease | 5/4/2022
Cases, where the plaintiffs lived near farms that sprayed paraquat, seem to have been excluded from the bellwether trials...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinsons Disease Claims Another Life According To Court Papers | 4/26/2022
Another farmer has died from the degenerative effects of Parkinson's disease after working with paraquat for decades...READ MORE
There Is No Room for Error When It Comes To Mishandling Paraquat | 4/21/2022
When it comes to getting paraquat on your skin, drinking it, or even inhaling it, one mistake and you're dead...READ MORE
UK Farm Families Describe The Horrors Of Developing Parkinson's Disease From Inhaling Paraquat | 4/12/2022
UK farm families with one or more members suffering from Parkinson's disease want paraquat banned immediately...READ MORE
Paraquat Trials Will Focus On The Sound Scientific Connection Between Paraquat and Developing Parkinson's Disease | 3/29/2022
Inhaling paraquat fumes can damage a person's DNA and autoimmune system...READ MORE
Certain Countries That Have Banned Using Paraquat Support Manufacturing And Exporting It | 3/21/2022
Banning paraquat at home is useless if companies are free to manufacture the defoliant and other deadly agricultural chemicals and sell them to other countries...READ MORE
The Protect America's Children From Toxic Pesticides Act of 2021 Would Ban Paraquat And Other Deadly Herbicides And Pesticides | 3/15/2022
Over the summer of 2021, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) renewed the paraquat license for another 15 years and forced lawmakers to take action...READ MORE
Farmworkers Risk Their Health And The Health Of Their Children When Forced To Work With Paraquat | 3/8/2022
Farmworkers are forced to work in fields, vineyards, and orchards where paraquat has been sprayed or lose their job...READ MORE
New Zealand Man Dies From Drinking Wine Laced With Paraquat in An Apparent Homicide | 3/3/2022
Paraquat continues to cause human death accidentally or on purpose from homicide or suicide...READ MORE
Organically Grown Fruits and Vegetables May Replace Those Grown Using Paraquat and Other Deadly Agricultural chemicals. | 3/2/2022
The marketplace may be the final determinate for ending the use of paraquat as health-conscious Americans turn to organic fruits and vegetables...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuits To Move Forward to Bellwether Trials in November 2022 | 2/15/2022
The ruling that trials could proceed is a sign the MDL judge may think there is sufficient evidence against Syngenta to let juries have a look...READ MORE
Environmental Groups Fight To Ban Paraquat A Deadly Chemical The Company Calls A Useful Technology | 2/10/2022
Syngenta hid their knowledge that the emetic added to paraquat was insufficient to do the job...READ MORE
Few Paraquat Regulations Limit Dissecting Crops Prior To Harvest When The Defoliant Becomes Air Borne | 2/9/2022
The majority of paraquat use is not to kill weed, but to kill the whole plant just before harvest, making it dryer, lighter and cheaper to bring to market...READ MORE
Environmentalist's Seeks To Overturn The EPA's Financial Decision to Extend Paraquat’s License For 15 More Yearw | 2/8/2022
The EPA has extended paraquat's license for 15 more years but banned using the herbicide on golf courses...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinsons Plaintiffs May Look For Hard Fact To Prove a Link Between the defoliant and Parkinson's Disease | 2/3/2022
There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence linking paraquat to developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Paraquat Flaggers May Be The First Paraquat Parkinsons Disease Cases To Go To Trial | 1/31/2022
Syngenta's case in defense of causing Parkinson's disease is weak...READ MORE
The EPA Has Taken Measures To Mitigate The Damage Paraquat Does To Human Health | 1/17/2022
Little can be done short of banning paraquat to keep it from drifting to surrounding communities...READ MORE
Glyphosate and Paraquat Are Two Of The World's Most Deadly Defoliants | 1/11/2022
As glyphosate is phased out, paraquat could take its place...READ MORE
Lawsuits Every Week Link Paraquat And Parkinson's Disease | 1/5/2022
Thousands who live near farms that spray paraquat may have Paraquat Parkinson's disease and will file lawsuits in 2022 and beyond...READ MORE
Syngenta Added An Odor To Paraquat Providing Farm Communities With Proof They Are Being Exposed To The Deadly Defoliant | 12/31/2021
Farm communities are angry that the paraquat drifts off of the farm in the air and that warnings omitted inhaling the fumes...READ MORE
Many More Lawsuits Against Syngenta Claim A Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Connection | 12/26/2021
Farmworkers need the courage to file paraquat Parkinson's disease lawsuits...READ MORE
PACTA Could Be The Last Chance For 15 Years To Remove Paraquat From The Market | 12/17/2021
The EPA only looks at dangerous chemicals once every 15 years, so it is up to the US Congress to pass legislation banning paraquat...READ MORE
Amending the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA) Could Bring An End To Paraquat In The US | 12/3/2021
Senator Cory Booker understands that living in an agricultural community places all families at risk of exposure to dangerous nerve agents....READ MORE
Congress Seeks To Put The Planet First And Ban Paraquat And Other Deadly Agricultural Contaminates | 11/29/2021
The Environmental Protection Agency may not have been sufficiently diligent when renewing paraquat's 15-year registration...READ MORE
Parkinson's Disease Activists Think That There Is A Link Between Paraquat And The Neurological Disorder | 11/19/2021
Studies coming out between now and the first paraquat Parkinson's disease trial may prove the EPA got it wrong...READ MORE
Paraquat Packaging May Force Farmers To Breathe It Directly While Mixing It Before Application | 11/15/2021
Farmers are required to pour and mix the deadly chemical several times per day exposing them to fumes and dust...READ MORE
Congress Could Decide On The Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Ban And Override The Environmental Protection Agency | 11/9/2021
Big names in Parkinson's disease research funding have thrown their weight behind a total paraquat ban despite the EPA supporting its use...READ MORE
Syngenta Will Be The Sole Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Defendant In Most Upcoming Lawsuits | 11/2/2021
The MDL judge determined that Chevron had nothing to do with alleged cases of Parkinson's disease after it discontinued selling the product...READ MORE
Scientific Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Studies Will Carry Weight During MDL Scientific Discovery | 10/29/2021
Environmentalists and trial lawyers are convinced coming into contact with paraquat repetitively over time with developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
The EPA Puts The Lives Of Men, Women, And Children At Risk Of Life-Long Illness By Failing To Ban Paraquat | 10/26/2021
32 countries around the world, even China, have banned using paraquat...READ MORE
Scientific Experts Are Calling It The Paraquat Parkinsons Disease Pandemic | 10/21/2021
People living in nearby neighborhoods may have double the chance of getting Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Millions of Farmworkers Could Have Been Exposed to Paraquat And Have Parkinson's Disease | 10/16/2021
Farmworkers stay in the field working sunrise to sunset, seven days per week while paraquat contaminates the field...READ MORE
The EPA's Farm Flagger Ban Came Decades Too Late for Thousands of Farm Workers Who Now Have Parkinson's disease | 10/12/2021
Farmworkers who are on the ground when paraquat is sprayed may have the highest likelihood of developing paraquat Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
The EPA's Decision May Expose Farmworkers to Unreasonable Health Risks Including Paraquat Brain Damage | 10/10/2021
The Environmental Protection Agency is being sued by farmworkers for failing to recognize the dangers paraquat poses to human health ...READ MORE
Watchdog Groups Have Petitioned The EPA Insisting Paraquat Is Removed From The Market | 10/6/2021
The fact that farmers, farmworkers, and others are developing Paraquat Parkinson's disease in record numbers is being ignored the EPA ...READ MORE
Millions of Americans Live On Golf Courses That Were Drenched in Paraquat For Decades (Part II) | 10/2/2021
Golf course maintenance workers, caddies, golfers, and the residents of golf condo communities are at risk of developing Parkinson's disease. ...READ MORE
Paraquat Plaintiffs Come From Unusual Sources As The Chemical´s Use Proliferates | 9/27/2021
One Paraquat Parkinson’s disease plaintiff testified that he saw Paraquat crop dusters flying over his house regularly and that the smell is always in the air...READ MORE
The EPA Paraquat Golf Course Ban Comes Too Late For Millions of Golf Enthusiasts and Thousands of Golf Course Workers | 9/22/2021
Avid golfers and their caddies may have been exposed to toxic low-dose quantities of paraquat while playing their favorite sport ...READ MORE
The EPA Stands Alone In Its Support Of Paraquat Safety | 9/20/2021
There may be no other way to explain the increase in the number of cases of Parkinson's disease other than the increase in spraying agricultural herbicides ...READ MORE
Paraquat-Spraying Farmers And Others Should Self-Monitor For Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease | 9/15/2021
Inhaling or ingesting paraquat by any means will result in unmistakable physical difficulties...READ MORE
Paraquat Plaintiffs Must Complete a Lengthy Standardized Questionnaire Asking For Paraquat Exposure Details And More | 9/9/2021
Multidistrict litigation seeks to save the court the time and expense of repeating hundreds of processes for each plaintiff ...READ MORE
Anything Short Of Banning of Paraquat and Glyphosate Would Have Been Dissapointing | 9/7/2021
Environmentals were double-crossed when the EPA sided with the chemical industry over human health and the environment ...READ MORE
The EPA's Warnings And Restrictions On Working Around Paraquat Is Too Late For Career Farmhands And Others | 9/2/2021
Farmhands drenched in paraquat are recognizing the weedkiller is responsible for causing their disease ...READ MORE
More Surprising Information About The EPA's Support Of Paraquat | 8/30/2021
It defies logic that the EPA feels the need to severely regulate a farm product it thinks is safe ...READ MORE
Environmentalists Are Shocked The EPA Is Not Banning Paraquat | 8/25/2021
The Biden EPA has refused to end aerial spraying of Paraquat putting millions of people at risk of developing Parkinson's disease ...READ MORE
Ryegrass Is Now Resistant To Paraquat | 8/19/2021
Farmers face the costs of resorting to mechanical measures to control weeds as they become paraquat resistant ...READ MORE
Medical Research Targets Protecting And Regenerating Dopamine Producing Cells To Treat Parkinson's Disease | 8/16/2021
Inhaling paraquat fumes may be the cause of farmers and others developing Parkinson's disease ...READ MORE
Eating Organic Can Reduce The Amount of Toxic Paraquat A Person Ingests Each Year | 8/12/2021
There are many ways toxic chemical weedkillers can enter vegetables and fruits through a plant's roots and stems ...READ MORE
The EPA Renews Paraquat's Licence For Fifteen More Years, Adding More Restrictions | 8/10/2021
Renewing farmer's licenses to spray paraquat is a slap in the face to environmentalists hoping the new administration would ban the deadly defoliant ...READ MORE
The Environmental Protection Agency Requires A Residential Protection Buffer Zone Around Farms That Spray Paraquat | 8/3/2021
There is a growing concern for the health of the millions of Americans that live near farms and have to breathe paraquat-polluted air...READ MORE
Twice As Many Men Get Parkinson's Disease As Do Women | 8/2/2021
Acute, low-dose, long-term exposure to paraquat in male-dominated occupations like farming could account for the disparity...READ MORE
Farmers Lived Through The Dark Ages Of Paraquat Ignorance Until The Deadly Facts Started To Surface | 7/28/2021
The maker of paraquat failed to warn farmers and others that paraquat could cause Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Drifting Paraquat Vapor Threatens Hundreds of Farm Neighborhoods And Millions of People | 7/27/2021
If drifting paraquat fumes can destroy rice fields, they can land on adjacent communities where people live, work and play also...READ MORE
Syngenta Paraquat Poisoning Whistleblower Just Wanted To Save Children's Lives | 7/22/2021
Syngenta is accused of corruption and greed for leaving a safety chemical out of the updated paraquat mixture...READ MORE
Paraquat Lawsuits May Include Those Who Were Poisoned | 7/5/2021
The manufacturers did not do enough to safeguard the public from accidental death from drinking paraquat...READ MORE
Farm Communities Are Holding Town Hall Meetings To Discuss The Dangers Of Paraquat | 7/4/2021
The dangers to human health from using paraquat are becoming known because lawsuits are making the news...READ MORE
Paraquat Is Used In Many Surprising Places Not Just On Farms | 7/3/2021
It may be easier to ask where paraquat is not used than to try to identify and regulate all the places it is...READ MORE
The Environmental Working Group Hopes The New Administration In Washington DC Will Ban Paraquat | 7/2/2021
The new administration is likely to be more environmentally protective and support an EPA ban on paraquat and other environmentally unfriendly pesticides and herbicides...READ MORE
Syngenta Knew From 2011 That Paraquat Was Linked To Parkinson's Disease | 7/1/2021
The National Institute of Health has presented studies linking the deadly defoliant to causing brain damage leading to Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Paraquat Can Kill Even When The EPA's Instructions For Use Are Followed To The Tee | 6/26/2021
Paraquat drift can be unknowingly ingested by breathing paraquat fumes that have drifted on your community...READ MORE
The Agriculture Use Of Paraquat Could Sicken Entire Communities | 6/25/2021
Environmental watchdog groups warn residents of paraquat farm neighborhoods that their health could be at risk...READ MORE
Farmers May Inhale Many Times More Than One Sip Of Paraquat Over Their Lifetimes | 6/24/2021
The EPA may not have considered repeated low-doses of paraquat inhaled or absorbed through the skin when writing paraquat restrictions...READ MORE
Syngenta's Response To Paraquat Human Deaths Was Inadequate | 6/23/2021
Many people think that paraquat is too unsafe to remain on the market...READ MORE
Residents Of About A Half-Dozen California Counties Could Have The Greatest Risk of Developing Parkinson's Disease From Inhaling Paraquat Fumes | 6/22/2021
California leads the nation in the gross tonnage of using the controversial weedkiller paraquat...READ MORE
Paraquat Lawsuit Filed By Plaintiff That Lives Near a Paraquat Mixing Facility | 6/21/2021
Working or living near a paraquat mixing facility can cause inhaling the defoliant and developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Farmers Using Paraquat Should Look For The Mental Signs They Have Parkinson's Disease | 6/20/2021
As insidious as the motor skill deterioration is from Parkinson's disease, non-movement symptoms can be worse...READ MORE
Non-Organic Fruits and Vegetables May Be Contaminated With Paraquat | 6/19/2021
Eating unwashed fruits and vegetables grown on fields sprayed with paraquat may also lead to developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Kidney and Liver Problems Accompany Parkinson's Disease as Common Complaints In Lawsuits Against The Makers of Paraquat | 6/17/2021
Paraquat may contaminate the air and water of millions of Americans because it is sprayed as an aerosol and drifts onto nearby towns and villages...READ MORE
People Die Of Complications From, Not Because of Parkinson's Disease | 6/16/2021
A Syngenta-funded study implying that working around paraquat is safe is debunked here...READ MORE
Parkinson's Disease Advocacy Groups Have Urged The EPA to Ban Paraquat | 6/15/2021
The EPA has generally ignored public outcry to ban paraquat...READ MORE
Documents That Show Syngenta Knew About Paraquat and Parkinson's Disease Were To Be Revealed in Court | 6/14/2021
Lawyers for a group of farmers in the first Paraquat trial promised to present documents that show Syngenta executives knew paraquat could cause human neurological damage...READ MORE
The Environmental Protection Agency's Paraquat Warning Came Too Late For Farmers With Parkinson's Disease | 6/13/2021
Both sides may benefit from statements made by the EPA...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Lawsuits Will Be Consolidated | 6/12/2021
Multidistrict litigation (MDL) is an essential process for mass tort litigation involving complex scientific issues...READ MORE
Paraquat Lawsuits Against Syngenta and Chevron Are Being Filed at a Growing Rate | 6/11/2021
A Tennessee woman claims to have contracted Parkinson's disease when the chemical became airborne and drifted onto her community...READ MORE
There May Be Many Reasons Paraquat Is Lethal To Human Health | 6/10/2021
Public safety advocates say that paraquat should be banned for enabling suicide, and other reasons...READ MORE
The Growth Rate of Spraying Paraquat Parallels That of Parkinson's Disease | 6/9/2021
No other credible explanation can be given as to why Parkinson's disease rates are skyrocketing...READ MORE
Syngenta-Funded Study Finds No Link Between Parkinson's Disease and Paraquat | 6/8/2021
Other more objective studies, however, reinforce the belief that being exposed to paraquat can lead to developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Unpredictable Wind Speed And Direction Can Cause Paraquat To Drift Right Back Into A Farmer's Face | 6/7/2021
An EPA study revealed that most farmers ignore the strict spraying safety recommendations listed on paraquat and fail to use personal protective equipment (PPE)...READ MORE
The EPA's Paraquat Applicator Requirements May Be Insufficient | 6/4/2021
Licensed applicators of the deadly weedkiller paraquat allegedly are developing Parkinson's disease despite taking safety precautions...READ MORE
Farmers That Used Paraquat Have Developed Parkinson's Disease, a Permanent And Deadly Neurological disorder | 6/3/2021
Parkinson's disease may more than double in the coming decade and researcher blame toxic agricultural chemicals...READ MORE
Parkinson's Disease May Be a Pandemic And Paraquat To Blame | 6/1/2021
Experts think banning the use of paraquat could avoid a scenario similar to the pandemic we face today...READ MORE
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority May Recommend Banning Paraquat | 5/31/2021
The world is waking up to the dangers of paraquat not being worth the benefits the defoliant provides...READ MORE
The US Government's Failure To Ban Paraquat is Likely For Financial Reasons Only | 5/30/2021
The EPA has thrown their full support of paraquat and has declared the pesticide is safe if used as directed on the label...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinson's Facts To Be Heard In June 2020 Bellwether Trial | 5/29/2021
Most paraquat plaintiffs are farmers from midwestern states growing corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton...READ MORE
Users of Paraquat Dichloride Must Be Certified Applicators | 5/28/2021
The Environmental Protection Agency has done a thorough job requiring special training and licensing for paraquat users...READ MORE
Spreading Awareness Of The Link Between Parkson's Disease And Using Paraquat | 5/27/2021
A mountain of scientific evidence leads to a connection between using paraquat and developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Bellwether Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Trial Will Begin Next Week Focusing On Scientific Studies | 5/26/2021
Scientific evidence linking paraquat with Parkinson's disease could make the first bellwether trial an open and shut case....READ MORE
Thailand Upholds Their Ban of Paraquat | 5/25/2021
Banning the use of paraquat could hasten the demise of the Covid-19 shaken global food supply chain...READ MORE
Asian Nations Address Suicide By Paraquat Poisoning | 5/24/2021
Asian governments want the World Health Organization (WHO) to step in and ban paraquat and glyphosate to reduce suicides...READ MORE
The Environmental Protection Agency Advises How To Protect Against Paraquat Death | 5/22/2021
Spraying paraquat as directed causes it to land on nearby neighborhoods...READ MORE
People With Parkinson's Disease File Lawsuits Against Syngenta and Chevron | 5/20/2021
Lawsuits are being filed around the country by people that work and/or live near farms that use paraquat, a deadly, toxic weedkiller. ...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Cases May Be Consolidated In Multi-District Litigation | 5/18/2021
Bellweather trials could indicate that jurors find the claims of using paraquat and developing Parkinson's disease hold water...READ MORE
The Undeniable Connection Between Using Paraquat and Developing Parkinson's Disease | 5/16/2021
Attorneys have signed up hundreds of clients that have worked on farms that spray paraquat and have developed Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Paraquat Lawsuits Could Lead The EPW To Ban The Deadly Herbicide | 5/14/2021
The deadly dangers of paraquat are numerous yet farmers rely on the herbicide for their existence...READ MORE
Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Trials To Begin on May 10, 2121 | 5/12/2021
Scientific studies will help explain the connection between inhaling paraquat with developing Parkinson's disease...READ MORE
Syngenta May Have Committed Fraud By Covering Up Paraquat Parkinson's Disease Knowledge | 5/10/2021
The plaintiff claims that the defendants had an obligation to know about studies linking paraquat use and Parkinson's disease, and to disclose to the public...READ MORE
Parkinson's Disease Is Increasing In Rural Areas | 5/8/2021
Facts are being presented in peer-reviewed publications that point to increased cases of Parkinson's disease where paraquat is used...READ MORE
Evidence Is Mounting Linking Paraquat and Parkinson's Disease | 5/6/2021
Paraquat may be the reason for the rise in Parkinson's disease and the epidemics of obesity and autism...READ MORE
Paraquat Use is Growing Exponentially in The United States | 5/5/2021
Farmworkers and those living near farms that spray paraquat on their crops to control weeds are developing Parkinson's disease and other health problems as a result...READ MORE
Paraquat Lawsuits May Be Consolidated To Decide On The Science | 5/3/2021
Studies that point to a connection between the living and working near farms that spray paraquat and developing Parkinson's disease will ...READ MORE
Paraquat May Contaminate Nearby Neighborhoods | 5/2/2021
Studies that focus on paraquat contamination of the neighborhoods that surround farms could be disturbing...READ MORE
Parkinson's Patient Points to Paraquat Poisoning | 5/1/2021
Another Parkinson's disease victim has filed suit alleging that coming into contact with the lethal herbicide paraquat is to blame ...READ MORE
EPA Paraquat Regulations Only Scratch The Surface Of The Parkinson's Disease Problem | 4/24/2021
Paraquat drift and runoff can be linked to Parkinson's disease in neighborhoods near farms or anywhere the defoliant is sprayed...READ MORE
New Study Confirms Inhaling Paraquat Kills Cells That Produce Dopamine | 4/23/2021
Parkinson's disease is caused when the brain fails to produce dopamine...READ MORE
Syngenta Has Resisted Gramoxone Safety Improvements For Decades | 4/22/2021
A chemical added to Gramoxone to induce vomiting was insufficient, and the company allegedly knew it...READ MORE
The EPA Thinks Paraquat is Safe Contrary to Multiple Scientific Studies | 4/19/2021
More than 20 countries have banned the defoliant because of its links to Parkinson's Disease...READ MORE
Lawyers for Paraquat Lawsuits
Attorneys handling Paraquat Lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your paraquat Parkinson's lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.